Partners: Michael Igwe Mrs. Grace Igwe

Associates: Chris Igwe Toby Birch Mrs Tracy Haddow

Jean-Marc Mantegani

Onye Igwe


Michael Igwe B.A., B.C.L. (International Law) Durham University

After securing a Masters degree in International law from Durham University, and qualification as a Barrister in London, England, Michael secured pupillage in the chambers of a former Attorney General and Lord Chancellor of England and Wales. Further pupillage was undertaken in the chambers of a QC who is regarded as one of the most renowned taxation experts in the UK.

Michael then moved into the City of London to work as an in-house Legal Adviser in various Investment Banking institutions. Roles included Deputy Head of the legal department of Banque Indosuez, Legal Adviser at Lehmann Brothers, and Legal Adviser at one of the most prestigious Merchant Banks in the City of London. Michael provided legal advice to the Capital Markets, Real Estate, Investment Management, Corporate Finance and Debt Trading departments of the various banks.

Michael brings to the consultancy firm all his legal and financial knowledge gained by working for these financial institutions.

Michael speaks fluent French and basic German.